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Auditions for our Hilary 1 shows will be held in week 1 of the semester! 


Our auditions typically involve reading an extract of the script and/or some drama games! Preparation is not required but of course you’re welcome to do so! 


Any questions contact Naomi,


24hr Musical

7.30pm Week 1 ( 25th January)


This Saturday the 25th ‘May The Muppet Be Ever In Your Favour’ hits the stage in aid of humanitarian aid in Gaza! 

Auditions will be held on this Friday the 24th from 5:30-7:30pm in the rehearsal room!


Audition form and information




Week 3 ( 4-7th February)


Flim is a revue that uses comedic sketches and one long-form improvisation scene from famous movies to satirize and poke fun at current political/cultural events. The original Flim was performed years ago at Players, so the references and some dialogue have been lovingly adapted for its 2025 performance. 

We will accept auditioners 4 at a time. We will start with an improv game, like Fortunately, Unfortunately. This will loosen up our auditioners as well as test their improvisation skills - necessary for the long-form improvisation scene. Then we will move onto a cold reading of an audition side. There are two scenes in Flim that have only two characters, rather than the entire ensemble (4). Thus we will split up each auditioning group of four into two, and each pair will get around 5 minutes to read/rehearse and then show us what they have come up with.


Sides and Audition Form: Coming Soon

Nice to Meet You

1pm Week 4 (10-15th February) 

Sides and Audition Form: Coming Soon!

Philadelphia, Here I Come!

7pm Week 4 (10-15th February)


Philadelphia, Here I Come is a DU Players show happening Week 4 - Witten by Brian Friel and Directed by Miaa NíClinse


Sides and Audition Form

The Most Important Thing To Happen Since Things Started Happening

1pm Week 5 (17th-22nd February)


It began with a big, quiet thump. It will end in flames and floods and the in-between. Some will fight, some will accept, and others in between. Everything has been thought, and it will be re-thought and over-thought and decided on and forgotten in the way of things.  
Does such knowledge matter now when Mitchell D’Arcy, a self-described professional activist, enters with a file* in his hand? There Roberta Pierce––name partner of Blackwell & Pierce, thank you––sits behind the table (trust that she’d rather not). 
He says something, and she disapproves. They talk like the past can be negotiated and the present justified. He asks the estranged(?) friend(?) for a favor, and an arm reluctantly reaches across. 
Maybe the little things that connect Bobbie and Mitch––like expensive tomato cheese toasties, the joy in debating each other (stemming from apparent mutual dislike), and if it counts, human kindness––can be felt holding in that still office air. So why are they still talking? Which of the following is the reason: the world might end, the world will end, or the world is ending. Or is it human error, also called: memory, faith, hope, and/or purpose. And what––in the time of flames and floods and everything in between––what, they wonder, can they do to become people who matter?​


Audition sides and form


It Never Entered My Mind

7pm Week 5 (17th-22nd February)


Based on the medieval morality play Everyman, It Never Entered My Mind follows Everyman in the moments before his death where he meets and converses with characters who make him question his life leading him to a journey of self discovery and reflection. Has he done enough? Will he be missed? Is he at peace? The audition will include a quick warm up and there will be sides available to read from. 

CW: Themes of death


Audition sides and form​



The Importance of Being Earnest (Lemons)

1pm Week 6 (24th February-1st March)


Written by Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest is a comedy set against the backdrop of Victorian aristocracy in a love tryst involving Jack and Algernon, as they both try to assume the name Earnest to win over the affections of the women they love. Filled with a bit of everything, this play contains drama, farce, deception and slapstick (and homoerotic friendship). 


Audition sides and form:  Coming Soon!



Ugly, Untalented Gays

7pm Week 6 (24th February-1st March)


The show is based on the film Bottoms which follows unpopular best friends PJ and Josie who start a high school fight club to empower women (the hot ones). They soon find themselves in over their heads when students start beating each other up in the name of self-defence and the club becomes a place for female solidarity and community (and gay stuff).


For our audition process we plan to start with introductions, a quick warm-up and then get straight into reading audition sides, which we have prepared. We’ll ask auditionees to choose a character they want to read (we’ve provided brief character descriptions), and they can read up to two characters. We’ll take groups of 3 or 4.


Audition sides and form​

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